One of the most frequent questions people have about private
cremation of their pet is how do they know they are getting their pet back and
not somebody else's? At Forrest
Run, no matter what type of cremation
you choose for your pet, know that every pet is identified at all times and
they are all handled with dignity and care.
When choosing cremation for your pet at Forrest Run you have
two options: Private cremation and Group
(sometimes referred to as Communal) cremation.
Private cremation is when your pet is cremated individually and the
cremated remains are returned to you. At
Forrest Run, every pet that is cremated privately is assigned a stainless steel
identification tag with a number on it.
That tag stays with the pet through the entire process and is placed
with the cremated remains into the urn or temporary container. You will also receive a cremation certificate
with the name of your pet, the date the cremation was done and the cremation
i.d. number in the upper right hand corner. Group cremation is when your pet is cremated
along with other pets whose family has chosen group cremation and the cremated
remains are not returned to you. They
are then buried in the Companion Garden which is located in the Southeast
corner of the cemetery property.
Often times people
want private cremation , but they don't want to take the cremated remains home
with them, so they think they can only choose group cremation. This is not the case. You can still choose private cremation and we
will scatter the cremated remains in the Scattering Garden at Forrest Run . As a matter of fact we quite often have
Scattering Services where the family is present or scatters the cremated
remains themselves. This option is only
available for private cremation.
There are very few veterinary providers in this area that
actually perform the cremation process.
Most likely, they contract with a pet crematory that may or may not be
in this area. As always we encourage you
to ask questions about the cremation services being provided for your pet
whether those services are being provided by Forrest Run or another crematory. You should be able to talk directly to the
cremation provider and request a tour of the facilities.